Sid Himself

Sid Himself
A Million And One Things Flow Through This Mind At Any Given Time. Enjoy Your Time In The Mayhem Of It All.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Common Sense From Deep Inside A Red State. (Yes, Such A Thing Actually Exists Here!)

"Just What in the hell is wrong with people in this country?!" A question that has been asked by many a person, in plenty of places, and on more than a few occasions. It's a popular but broad question with answers that could range anywhere from, "It's all those damn Mexican's fault." to "A lack of personal accountability within the hierarchy of power. Mixed with absurd levels of corporate lobbyist influenced pull inside Washington. Which is the main factor creating a thinly veiled monstrosity of corruption that threatens the very fabric and infrastructure of this country." Two very different answers, spawned from two EXTREMELY different mindsets. One being well educated from the world around them, open and able to interpret truth from fabricated falsehoods presented to them from different sources of media amalgamated double speak and someone's politically biased bullhorn belched banter. The other, well they are probably more interested in what proud two tooth hooker fucked her cousin and his goat in the same night during sweeps week on Jerry Springer, or if Tony Stewart decided to get his nuts rubbed down with their favorite brand of herpes salve after winning his last Nascar event. Given the current "Red Vs. Blue" visual scope that the contemporary field of politics has taken within recent years, I am more than happy to let you the reader figure out which ideology will cling to which explanation. (If you're having problems with this word problem, now might be a good time to leave this blog and go watch a Bob the builder Dvd before your head explodes from your two long lost braincells finally meeting up after decades of separation.)

"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!" I still remember hearing those immortal words spoken to a huge crowd of cheering Germans waving American flags and chanting "U.S.A.!" and "We Love Reagan" in their broken thick accents. The echoes of that moment will forever haunt the hallowed halls of time as event leading up to one of the greatest points of human history. What a far long and depressing road it has been for the conservative movement. Somehow within the span of twenty one years the crusade's catalyst has gone from trying to help a long separated people finally know what it is to be reunited and taste true freedom again. To screaming "Drill Baby Drill" at the top of their lungs, and becoming an obstructionist party that blindly answers not only no but recently "Hell No!" to anyone or anything willing to act outside of their particularly narrow schools of thought, doctrines, or favorite Political Action Committee. Every current headline grabber in recent memory seems to hold a dear, rose colored favorite memory of The Gipper and sees their own actions reflecting some kind of similarity with his actions and desires, and how they think he would do nothing but approve. When in all actuality and truth, I have to believe Reagan would make it a point to climb down off his horse just to personally bitch slap the hell out of these idiotic jackasses for making such an absurd presumption.

The ideals of the laughable concept of the "Compassionate Conservative" have long since been tossed aside for the shoot from the hip and answer softball questions from your state's well bought Senator catastrophe of an approach that has justifiably been labeled as "Cowboy Politics". Make no mistake, it still exists and is living well within the confines of the G.O.P. to this very day. The only reason why you are seeing so many right wingers run away from the stamp is because of it's prevalence of use during the reign of King George "Bubba" Bush The Second, and anything associated with him still holds the same kind of stink on that you would think came with a port-o-john loaded with fifteen construction site workers diuretic dump off, and left in the hot July Sun for fifteen days straight. However the "You're Either With Us Or Against Us" mentality has not only survived, but seems to be the only accepted reasoning that will still allow you a seat at annual yacht event with the Boehner's and blue bloods who decide who is in and who is out of the congressional circle jerks between "true" republicans and their teabagger counterparts. Any kind of thought or impression that you even MIGHT think of aligning yourself in any way with a bipartisan idea seems to be grounds for shunning and outright vilification for being a traitor and deserving of nothing less than being voted off of the proverbial island and forever forgotten. What ever happened to "We will reach out across the aisles in the name of peace, prosperity, and proceed to find a thousand points of light for every man, woman, and child to have the possibility of finding their own American Dream!" Apparently that has been shelved for the half rate notion of "Survival of the fittest, and if you aren't with me, fuck you and everyone living in your house motherfucker!" Gone are the days of being willing to work out any differences for the common good of everyone involved, and instead the adoption of covering your own ass with as many stacks of ill gotten green paper is the acceptable status quo. Great ideals to set forth, and make an example of yourself with.

I know the Democratic party is not perfect by ANY stretch of the imagination either. It's not exactly a national secret that there is corruption on both sides of the aisle. However, when you see one side that is acting with SO much hypocrisy, SO much indifference towards their own faults, corruption, outright lying, pandering to corporate interests, and an ever changing opinion that goes along with whomever writes the checks that inflate their personal bottom line. It's almost inhuman if not for lack of a better term absolutely unconscionable to be able to commit such acts and still consider yourself a valid human being. Let alone a party with the best interests of your constituents at heart. In truth, the only thing that they have an eye on is their own bank accounts, and the profit margins of those corporations and foreign entities that keep them in power and eating filet mignon. While the people that voted for them are still unemployed, hungry, uneducated, and up until recently without any kind of valid health insurance. Personally, I am not sure how these people sleep at night, let alone look their voters in the face every 2,4, or 6 years. Unless they themselves are already well medicated while walking the line and pressing the flesh.

That is where we come in. It is our duty as American citizens to get these insulated, sheltered, profiteering, assholes out of office. The Presidential election in 08' proved that the American People still have a voice and are willing to use it. We just need to get past our extra short attention span, turn off all of the naysayers from our ears, and get back to reality. Show these fuckers exactly what happens when people start actually paying attention to what is going on and who is making our decisions for us. We are all in this big ass boat together, and if it sinks, we all hit the water together as well. It won't just be some of us suffering. It will be all of us. When I look at my friends and the ones I love going through these hard times. I don't think, well it sucks to be them. I try to figure out a way to help them through it and make life better. Shouldn't it be the same for the people that are voted into that higher office, and paid too damn well for doing the people's work?! Am I the only one that sees this?! Get out there, register to vote and if you don't like what is going on in your district. Let The Fuckers Know!!!

That's My Word

This Has Been A Long Time Comin'.

An overactive mind is a hell of a thing to waste. However, it is also a royal bitch of a matter to deal with on a day to day basis as well. One of the many fruits of such said condition is an active interest in more than a few things that are known to keep the grey matter in a constant state of wrinkling up and tingling from seemingly never ending stimulation. One of these pet projects of circulating analytical examination is Society's actions, reactions, and obsessions with the cult of celebrity. While being something that I myself can admit guilt of at a certain degree of this from time to time as well. (So you can go ahead and just save any hopes of attaching the hypocrisy banner upon my neck during or after reading this.)

Entertainment Weekly, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, Cribs, Celebrity Rehab, The Surreal Life, and the list goes on and on and on and...Well, you get the point. There is ostensibly no real end to the amount of media available to anyone with a rabid lust to for learning about the platinum card packing personality of their particular choice. The pros of a 24 hour news cycle also came along with a preoccupation to spend 7 days a week scouring over any and all inane details that can be gained from the kind of attention that would gain someone a restraining order, a weekend in jail, and quite probably a royal ass beating from a personal body guard or five if there weren't a digital avenue absolutely packed with other faceless random idiots searching the same shit in between the victim of choice and their pseudo potential prowler. With the fervent lust for any and all tidbits of supposedly "juicy exclusive" updates and "insider scoops" that can be found at absolutely any given moment. It's amazing that up to this point the location of Angelina Jolie's last ass play provided hemorrhoid and the size of the suppository used haven't already been relayed onto a Times Square Ticker or broadcast live with minute by minute updates as to if the Preparation H has taken to it yet on The Smoking Gun.

Making my way through this life, it's not hard to see that some people do live vicariously through others. For whatever reasons, it's become not only socially acceptable but EXTREMELY marketable as well if the trend not only continues but finds a way to exacerbate itself as the demographics change and sway. Romance novels will always be eaten up by lonely housewives who wish that their inattentive asshole husbands would pay attention to them. Those said douche tool husbands will always buy the porn starring the grizzly bear chested porn star banging a much desired platinum haired knob gobbler of the week. Then that "actor" will wind up back at home reading another cheesy romance novel in the arms of his husband later that night, and the cycle begins anew the next day, in five thousand different places with ten thousand different names. There does appear to be a kind of sick cyclical order to it all. We are all finding a way to feed off each other, but some people take their place in the chain a little too seriously, and have far too fervent a passion for the insignificant and meaningless that anyone else with a half a broken condom full of sense would pass off and piss away in half a second flat. As long as there is still a dime to be made on the empty lives of others by using the warped kaleidoscope of modern media, there will always be someone there to show others what they only wish they had. When in reality those that are being envied in all actuality are probably just as jealous of their admirers for the simple fact that they do not have the microscope of a million eyes upon them at any given moment.

Every single one of these Hollywood Gods/Goddesses, Musical Geniuses, Sports Adonises, and Other Superstars did come out of a Mother's womb just the same as you, and they will all be going in a box or urn and answering to whatever Deity they chose just the same as you when this ride called life is over. We all have a life to live, and to do so in our own way. It's alright to be a fan, and it's perfectly natural to identify with someone whom may have had a similar style life as you. However if you start to think that they are speaking to you in an unspoken language through their movies, singing to you without meeting through their music, or are waiting for you to break into their house someday in an act of impulsive love at first sight. It's probably time to get your medication levels either checked or initiated to begin with. Granted, not all of us are going to be rock stars, movie icons, or outstanding novelists. You know what, that's okay. It's just up to us to live out this grand experiment called life, and take it all in along the way as we go. So next time you catch up with someone informing you as to what kind of three ply dingle berry remover Tom Cruise decided to use just after his last Scientology gangbang/therapy session, take a step back for a second. Then go and read a story to your daughter, mow your lawn, or just talk to your significant other. Catch up on your own life, and make your own story for others to envy.

That's My Word.